About Us
Angelov Auditing was established in 1997.It has as its object an independent financial audit of financial statements, accounting services, tax services, consultancy, company registration, analyzes and expertise, as well as other consultancy services in the field of administrative servicing of the corporate business.
The Angelov Auditing team includes more than 10 financial auditing, accountancy, Payroll, Personnel, Taxation and Tax Specialists who will take care of your impeccable service and business development tailored to your specific needs. Your personal accountant / auditor is controlled by experienced team leaders in Angelov Auditing that you can meet:

Plamen Angelov – Manager of the company
Graduate Master in Finance and Insurance from 1982 in “AA. Tsenov “- town of Svishtov. With practical experience and experience, executive and management positions in the financial and accounting departments of the insurance, budget and industrial sectors. Since 1995 acquires legal capacity of a registered auditor and since then, through its audit practice, has over 1100 financial audits with financial statements and various projects in the spheres of almost all business areas. Certified for the audit of pension funds. Author and co-author of a number of publications on accounting and taxes on specialized sites..

Galya Angelova – Director of “Accounting and Administrative Services”
Graduate Master in Accounting and Control since 1986 in “AA. Tsenov “- town of Svishtov. With practical experience and experience in the financial and accounting departments of enterprises in the banking, agricultural and industrial sphere. Since 1997 joins Angelov Audit in the Accounting and Administrative Services Department of Corporate Business Customers. Since 1999 is a partner in the company and director of the department. It specializes and adds qualification in the field of accounting for enterprises in the sectors: agriculture, industry, trade and services, as well as in the fields of insurance relations, electronic processing of financial information in the enterprise and financial audit.

Victor Kirilov – Team Leader
Graduate Master of Accountancy at the University of National and World Economy – Sofia. Member of the Institute of Professional Accountants in Bulgaria, with thirteen years of practical experience and experience in the field of accounting, insurance and taxation. Participated in numerous independent financial audits as a member of the audit team. Author and co-author of a number of publications on accounting and taxes on specialized sites.